Radiowave Propagation and Antennas for Personal Communications, Third Edition
著 者:Kazimierz Siwiak and Yasaman Bahreini
出 版:Artech / 2007年
This newly revised and expanded edition of the Artech House classic, Radiowave Propagation and Antennas for Personal Communications, offers you a current and comprehensive introduction to the practice and underpinnings of personal communications. Every chapter has been updated to explain how the latest ultra-wide band technology affects all aspects of personal communications. The third edition covers important innovations such as wireless local networks, personal networks, and MIMO techniques.
This practical resource emphasizes three distinct but interrelated problems: fixed site antennas, radiowave propagation, and small antennas used close to the human body. Giving you the systems level view of design and analysis, the book helps you solve propagation problems in large-scale urban settings, in-building settings, and in the personal area space. In addition to its accessible coverage of technology and theory, this unique volume examines how radio waves and wireless devices affect the human body.
Introduction Introduction and Historical Perspective (including UWB systems). Personal Communications, Electromagnetic Fundamentals. Basic Radiowave and Antenna Parameters. Summary. References. Problems.
Introduction Introduction and Historical Perspective (including UWB systems). Personal Communications, Electromagnetic Fundamentals. Basic Radiowave and Antenna Parameters. Summary. References. Problems.
Fixed-Site Antennas Introduction. Antennas as Arrays of Current Sources. Pattern Multiplication and Array Factor. Collinear Antennas and Vertical Plane Pattern Control. Directivity and Beamwidth for Omnidirectional Antennas. Array Antennas. Pattern Shaping of High Gain Collinear Antennas. Multiple Beam Antennas. Proximity Effects in Fixed Site Antennas. Summary. References. Problems.
The Radio Communication Channel Introduction. Guided Waves. Basic Radiowave Propagation. Wave Polarization. Summary. References. Problems.
The Radio Frequency Spectrum・Introduction. ELF and VLF: Extremely Low and Very Low Frequencies (<30kHz). LF: Low and Medium Frequencies (30 kHz - 30 MHz). HF: High Frequencies (3 MHz - 30 MHz). VHF and UHF: (30 MHz - 3GHz). Above UHF: 3GHz and Higher. Picking an Optimum Operating Frequency. Multiple-user communications Systems, Voice systems, LANs, PANs and UWB Systems. Summary. References. Problems.
Communications Using Earth-Orbiting Satellites Introduction. Satellite Orbit Fundamentals. The Satellite Radio Path. Polarization Effects in Signals from an Orbiting Satellite. Summary. References. Problems.
Radiowave Propagation - Radio Test Sites Introduction. A Two Ray Propagation Model for harmonic waves. An Open Field Test Range Model. UWB pulse propagation with a ground reflection. Summary. References. Problems.
Radiowave Propagation -The Urban and Suburban Paths Introduction. Theoretical Models for Urban Propagation. Empirical Models for Urban Propagation. Propagation Beyond the Horizon. Propagation within, near, and into buildings, including UWB propagation. Polarization Effects. Summary. References. Problems.
Waves in Multipath Propagation Introduction. Urban Propagation- Understanding the Signal Behavior. Statistical Descriptions of Signals, Multipath with UWB. Signal Strength Required for Communications. Diversity Techniques, Maximum rake gain for UWB systems. MIMO Systems. Summary. References. Problems.
Receiver Sensitivity and Transmitted FieldsI ntroduction. Field Strength Sensitivity of Receivers. Relating Fields Strength to Received Power. Test Site Field Strength Calibration. Reliability and Repeatability of Sensitivity Measurements. EMC and EMI test chamber. Transmitter Test Sites. Effect on the Human Body. RF Exposure Standards. Influence of the ground on Yagi Patterns. Summary. References. Problems.
Simulated Human Body Devices Introduction. Field Strength Sensitivities of Body Worn Receivers. Analysis of Phantom Human Simulated Body Devices. The Magnetic Fields Around Simulated Body Devices. Anthropomorphic simulated head. Summary. References. Problems.
Loop, Dipole and Patch Antennas Introduction. A Look at Quality Factor, Q. Primer on Fundamental Limitations of Small Antennas. Antennas for Personal Communications, Transmission Line Antennas. Practical Considerations for Small Antennas. UWB Antennas. Summary. References. Problems.
A Radio Communication System Introduction. Noise. Designing a Messaging System Down-Link. Designing Two-way Systems. Indoor Systems (including UWB). System Coverage. Summary. References. Problems.
Appendices FORTRAN Code for Near Field of Dipoles and Helices. FORTAN Code for Near Field of Loop. Digital Communications Codes. HF Propagation Models. List of Symbols.
Fixed-Site Antennas Introduction. Antennas as Arrays of Current Sources. Pattern Multiplication and Array Factor. Collinear Antennas and Vertical Plane Pattern Control. Directivity and Beamwidth for Omnidirectional Antennas. Array Antennas. Pattern Shaping of High Gain Collinear Antennas. Multiple Beam Antennas. Proximity Effects in Fixed Site Antennas. Summary. References. Problems.
The Radio Communication Channe Introduction. Guided Waves. Basic Radiowave Propagation. Wave Polarization. Summary. References. Problems.
The Radio Frequency Spectrum・Introduction. ELF and VLF: Extremely Low and Very Low Frequencies (<30kHz). LF: Low and Medium Frequencies (30 kHz - 30 MHz). HF: High Frequencies (3 MHz - 30 MHz). VHF and UHF: (30 MHz - 3GHz). Above UHF: 3GHz and Higher. Picking an Optimum Operating Frequency. Multiple-user communications Systems, Voice systems, LANs, PANs and UWB Systems. Summary. References. Problems.
Communications Using Earth-Orbiting Satellites Introduction. Satellite Orbit Fundamentals. The Satellite Radio Path. Polarization Effects in Signals from an Orbiting Satellite. Summary. References. Problems.
Radiowave Propagation - Radio Test Sites Introduction. A Two Ray Propagation Model for harmonic waves. An Open Field Test Range Model. UWB pulse propagation with a ground reflection. Summary. References. Problems.
Radiowave Propagation -The Urban and Suburban Paths Introduction. Theoretical Models for Urban Propagation. Empirical Models for Urban Propagation. Propagation Beyond the Horizon. Propagation within, near, and into buildings, including UWB propagation. Polarization Effects. Summary. References. Problems.
Waves in Multipath Propagation Introduction. Urban Propagation- Understanding the Signal Behavior. Statistical Descriptions of Signals, Multipath with UWB. Signal Strength Required for Communications. Diversity Techniques, Maximum rake gain for UWB systems. MIMO Systems. Summary. References. Problems.
Receiver Sensitivity and Transmitted Fields Introduction. Field Strength Sensitivity of Receivers. Relating Fields Strength to Received Power. Test Site Field Strength Calibration. Reliability and Repeatability of Sensitivity Measurements. EMC and EMI test chamber. Transmitter Test Sites. Effect on the Human Body. RF Exposure Standards. Influence of the ground on Yagi Patterns. Summary. References. Problems.
Simulated Human Body Devices Introduction. Field Strength Sensitivities of Body Worn Receivers. Analysis of Phantom Human Simulated Body Devices. The Magnetic Fields Around Simulated Body Devices. Anthropomorphic simulated head. Summary. References. Problems.
Loop, Dipole and Patch Antennas Introduction. A Look at Quality Factor, Q. Primer on Fundamental Limitations of Small Antennas. Antennas for Personal Communications, Transmission Line Antennas. Practical Considerations for Small Antennas. UWB Antennas. Summary. References. Problems. Body Devices. The Magnetic Fields Around Simulated Body Devices. Anthropomorphic simulated head. Summary. References. Problems.
A Radio Communication System Introduction. Noise. Designing a Messaging System Down-Link. Designing Two-way Systems. Indoor Systems (including UWB). System Coverage. Summary. References. Problems.
Appendices FORTRAN Code for Near Field of Dipoles and Helices. FORTAN Code for Near Field of Loop. Digital Communications Codes. HF Propagation Models. List of Symbols.