Review of Radio Science: 1999-2002 URSI
¥ 18,900
著 者:W. Ross Stone
出 版:IEEE Press / 2002年
著 者:W. Ross Stone
出 版:IEEE Press / 2002年
本書は国際電波科学連合によってセレクトされた 10種類のトピックに関する 38の論文が収録されています。各論文には詳しいレビューとチュートリアル、および重要な研究が記載されています。
- Electromagnetic metrology
- Fields and waves
- Signals and systems
- Electronics and photonics
- Electromagnetic noise and interference
- Wave propagation and remote sensing
- Ionospheric radio and propagation
- Waves in plasmas
- Radio astronomy
- Electromagnetics in biology and medicine
- Experimental Characterization of Nonlinear Active Microwave Devices
- New Developments in Optical-Frequency Standards and Optical-Frequency
- Dosimetry in the Human Head for Portable Telephones
- Transient Response for Coupling of Electromagnetic Fields to Transmission Lines
- New EMC Test Facilities for Radiation Measurements
- Analysis of Microstrip Antennas by Means of Regularization via Neumann
- Nonlinear Time-Domain Electromagnetics
- Green's Dyadics for Bianisotropic Media
- Recent Developments in a Fast Frequency-Domain Integral-Equation Solver
- Plane-Wave Time-Domain Algorithms and Fast Time-Domain Integral-Equation
- The Finite Integration Techniques as a General Tool to Compute Acoustic, Electromagnetic, Elastodynamic, and Coupled Wave Fields
- Blind Methods for Wireless Communication Receivers
- 3G Evalution and Future-Generation Air Interface in Mobile Communications
- Cryptography and Computer Security
- RF MEMS and Si-Micromachining in High-Frequency Circuit Applications
- Microwave and Millimenter-wave Silicon and SiGe Devices
- Global Modeling of Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Integrated Circuits
- Wireless Communications and Sensing Based on Surface-Acoustic-Wave Devices
- Reverberation Chambers for EMC Susceptibility and Emission Analyses
- Electromagnetic Compatibility for Integrated Circuits
- Geomagnetic Effects on Ground-Based Technological Systems
- New Techniques in Microwave Radiometry for Earth Remote Sensing: Principles and Applications
- Remote Sensing of Inland and Coastal Waters
- Subsurface Remote Sensing
- Wave Propagation for Multimedia Satellite Services
- Space-Weather Effects on Transionospheric Radio Wave Propagation
- Characterization and Modeling of the HF Communications Channel
- Ionospheric Models for Radio Propagaion Studies
- Oscillations in a Dusty Plasma Medium
- Broadband Plasma Waves in the Magnetopause and Plamsma-Sheet Boundary Layers
- Solar-System Radio Emissions
- Lightning Effects in the Ionosphere
- The contribution of Wave-Particle Interactions to Electron Loss and Acceleration in the Earth's Belts During Geomagnetic Storms
- Gravitational Lensing and Recent Contributions from Radio Studies
- Advances in Planetary Radar Astronomy
- Recent Progress and Current Activities in the Serch for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
- Possible Esposures from Future Mobile Communication Systmes
- Biological Effects of Microwaves: Animal Studies