GPT (Pulsar Physics)
Over the past years the General Particle Tracer (GPT) package has become a well established simulation tool for the design of accelerators and beam lines. GPT is based on full 3D particle tracking techniques, providing a solid basis for the study of all 3D and non-linear effects of charged particles dynamics in electromagnetic fields. All built-in beam line components and external 2D/3D field-maps can be arbitrarily positioned and oriented to simulate a complicated setup-up and study the effects of misalignments. An embedded fifth order Runge-Kutta driver with adaptive stepsize control ensures accuracy while computation time is kept to a minimum. GPT provides various 2D and 3D space-charge models, including a sophisticated 3D particle-mesh method that scales O(N) in terms of CPU time. Because of its modern implementation, GPT can be easily extended by the user to perform highly specialized calculations for specific applications. Hierarchical data analysis, automatic parameter scans and graphical output allow for fast and detailed interpretation of the simulation results.
AET, Inc. is Pulsar Physics distributor in Japan. If you are from outside Japan, please contact an agent in your country.