Distortion in RF Power Amplifiers

著 者:Joel Vuoleve/Timo Rahkonen
出 版:Artech / 2003年
この新しい測定方法を学習すれば、歪みの振幅と位相の測定ができるようになり、メモリ効果についても認識できるようになります。本書では、メモリ効果をキャンセルし、アナログプレディストーションなどのリニアライザを使用し、優れたパーフォーマンスを得る方法を説いています。 この方法は様々なタイプのアンプの設計にも応用できます。
Introduction - Historical Perspective. The Approach. Main Contents of the Book. Outline of the Book.
Some Circuit Theory and Terminology -- Classification of Electrical Systems. Analyzing Linear Systems. Memoryless Spectral Regeneration. Signal Bandwidth Dependent Nonlinear Effects. Analysis of Nonlinear Systems.
Memory Effects in RF Power Amplifiers - Efficiency. Linearization. Electrical Memory Effects. Thermal Memory Effects. Amplitude Domain Effects.
The Volterra Model - Nonlinear Simulation Models. The BJT/HBT Model. Calculating IM3 Responses. MESFET Model and Analysis.
Simulating and Measuring Memory Effects - Simulating Memory Effects. Measuring the Memory Effects. Memory Effects and Linearisation.
Cancellation of Memory Effects - Envelope Filtering. Impedance Optimization. Envelope Injection.
Characterization of the Volterra Model - Calibration. Pulsed S-parameter Measurements. De-embed the Effects of the Package. Calculation of Small-Signal Parameters. Fitting Polynomial Models. Extracted Nonlinearity Coefficient of a MESFET. Extracted Nonlinearity Coefficient of a 30W LDMOS. DC Characterization.
Appendix A: Volterra Analysis in More Detail.
Appendix B: IM3 Equations for Cascaded 2nd-Order Distortion Mechanisms.
Appendix C: The Truncation Error.