Correlation Spectroscopy of Surfaces, Thin Films, and Nanostructures

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著 者:Jamal Berakdar, Jurgen Kirschner
出 版:Wiley / 2004年
著 者:Jamal Berakdar, Jurgen Kirschner
出 版:Wiley / 2004年
- オージェ電子光電子同時発生の実験と理論
- 原子、フラーレン、クラスター、メタル、ワイドバンド・ギャップ材料からの相関電子放出
- 表面からのイオンの同時発生分光法とイオン拡散の理論
- GWおよび動的な中間分野アプローチ
- 電子および光学反応における多体効果
List of Contributors.
- 1 A First-Principles Scheme for Calculating the Electronic Structure of Strongly Correlated Materials: GW+DMFT ((F. Aryasetiawan, S. Biermann, and A. Georges).
- 1.1 Introduction.
- 1.2 The GW Approximation.
- 1.2.1 Theory.
- 1.2.2 The GW Approximation in Practice.
- 1.3 Dynamical Mean Field Theory.
- 1.3.1 DMFT in Practice.
- 1.4 GW+DMFT.
- 1.4.1 Simplified Implementation of GW+DMFT and Application to Ferromagnetic Nickel.
- 1.5 Conclusions.
- References.
- 2 A Many-body Approach to the Electronic and Optical Properties of Copper and Silver (A. Marini).
- 2.1 Introduction.
- 2.2 Quasi particle Electronic Structure of Copper.
- 2.3 The Plasmon Resonance of Silver.
- 2.4 Dynamical Excitonic Effects in Metals.
- 2.5 Conclusions.
- References.
- 3 Correlation Spectroscopy of Nano-size Materials (O. Kidun, N. Fominykh, and J. Berakdar). 3.1 Introduction.
- 3.2 Generalities.
- 3.3 Excitations in Finite Systems:Role of the Electron-Electron Interaction.
- 3.3.1 Formal Development.
- 3.4 Results and Discussion.
- 3.5 Conclusions.
- References.
- 4 Electron-Electron Coincidence Studies on Atomic Targets: A Review of (e,2e) and (e,3e) Experiments (A. Lahmam-Bennani).
- 4.1 Introduction.
- 4.2 Structure Studies.
- 4.3 Dynamics Studies.
- 4.3.1 The Optical Limit.
- 4.3.2 Dynamics Studies at Intermediate Energies and Intermediate Momentum Transfer.
- 4.4 Conclusion.
- References.
- 5 Studying the Details of the Electron-Electron Interaction in Solids and Surfaces
(J. Kirschner, C. Winkler, and J. Berakdar). - 5.1 Introduction.
- 5.2 General Considerations.
- 5.3 Results and Interpretations.
- 5.4 Conclusions.
- References.
- 6 Two-Electron Spectroscopy Versus Single-Electron Spectroscopy for Studying Secondary Emission from Surfaces (S. Samarin, O.M. Artamonov, A.D. Sergeant, and J.F. Williams).
- 6.1 Introduction.
- 6.2 Experimental Details of the Time-of-Flight (e,2e) Spectroscopy in Reflection Mode.
- 6.2.1 Experimental Set-Up.
- 6.2.2 Combination of Time-of-Flight Energy Measurements and Coincidence Technique.
- 6.2.3 Data Processing.
- 6.3 Experimental Results and Discussion.
- 6.3.1 LiF Film on Si(100).
- 6.3.2 Single Crystal of W(110).
- 6.3.3 Single Crystal of Si(001).
- 6.4 Conclusions.
- References.
- 7 EMS Measurement of the Valence Spectral Function of Silicon - A Test of Many-body Theory (C. Bowles, A.S. Kheifets, V.A. Sashin, M. Vos, E. Weigold, and F. Aryasetiawan) 83
- 7.1 Introduction.
- 7.2 Experimental Details.
- 7.3 Theory.
- 7.3.1 Independent Particle Approximation.
- 7.3.2 Electron Correlation Models.
- 7.4 Results and Discussions.
- 7.4.1 Band Structure.
- 7.4.2 Diffraction Effects.
- 7.4.3 Many-body Effects.
- 7.5 Conclusions.
- References.
- 8 Recent Results from (γ, eγ) and Compton Spectroscopy (F. Bell).
- 8.1 Introduction.
- 8.2 Experiment.
- 8.3 Results and Discussion.
- 8.3.1 Graphite.
- 8.3.2 Fullerene.
- 8.3.3 Cu-Ni Alloy.
- 8.4 Lifetime Effects in Compton Scattering.
- 8.5 Summary.
- References.
- 9 Theory of (e,2e) Spectroscopy from Ferromagnetic Surfaces (R. Feder and H. Gollisch).
- 9.1 Introduction.
- 9.2 Concepts and Formalism.
- 9.3 Spin and Spatial Selection Rules.
- 9.4 Numerical Results for Fe(110).
- References.
- 10 Ab-initio Calculations of Charge Exchange in Ion-surface Collisions: An Embedded-cluster Approach (L. Wirtz, M. Dallos, H. Lischka, and J. Burgdorfer).
- 10.1 Introduction.
- 10.2 Convergence of the Density of States as a Function of Cluster Size.
- 10.3 Going beyond Hartree-Fock.
- 10.4 Convergence of Potential Energy Curves as a Function of Cluster Size.
- 10.5 Conclusions.
- References.
- 11 Coincident Studies on Electronic Interaction Mechanisms during Scattering of Fast Atoms from a LiF(001) Surface (H. Winter).
- 11.1 Introduction.
- 11.2 Experimental Developments.
- 11.2.1 Energy Loss Spectroscopy via Time-of-Flight.
- 11.2.2 Electron Number Spectra.
- 11.3 Coincident TOF and Electron Number Spectra.
- 11.3.1 Studies on Near-Threshold Behavior.
- 11.4 Model for Electronic Excitation and Capture Processes during Scattering of Atoms from Insulator Surfaces.
- 11.5 Summary and Conclusions.
- References.
- 12 Many-body Effects in Auger-Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy (M. Ohno).
- 12.1 Introduction.
- 12.2 APECS Spectrum.
- 12.3 Shakeup/down and Coincidence Photoelectron Spectrum.
- 12.4 Coincidence L3 Photoelectron Line of Cu Metal.
- 12.5 Concluding Remarks.
- References.
- 13 Auger-Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy (APECS) of Transition Metal Compounds (R.A. Bartynski, A.K. See, W.-K. Siu, and S.L. Hulbert).
- 13.1 Introduction.
- 13.2 Experimental Aspects.
- 13.3 Results and Discussion.
- 13.4 Conclusions.
- References.
- 14 Relevance of the Core Hole Alignment to Auger-Photoelectron Pair Angular Distributions in Solids (G. Stefani, R. Gotter, A. Ruocco, F. Offi, F. Da Pieve, A. Verdini, A. Liscio, S. Iacobucci, Hua Yao, and R. Bartynski).
- 14.1 Introduction.
- 14.2 AR-APECS Two Step Model.
- 14.2.1 Atomic Core Ionization and Relaxation.
- 14.2.2 Diffraction from Crystal Lattice.
- 14.3 Experimental Results.
- 14.3.1 Angular Discrimination.
- 14.3.2 Energy Discrimination.
- 14.3.3 Surface Sensitivity.
- 14.4 Conclusions.
- References.
- 15 Auger-Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy Studies from Surfaces (S.M. Thurgate, Z.-T. Jiang, G. van Riessen, and C. Creagh).
- 15.1 Introduction.
- 15.2 APECS Experiments.
- 15.3 Applications.
- 15.3.1 Broadening of Cu 2p3/2.
- 15.3.2 Broadening of Ag 3d5/2.
- 15.3.3 Disorder Broadening.
- 15.4 Conclusions .
- References.
- 16 Development of New Apparatus for Electron-Polar-Angle-Resolved-Ion Coincidence Spectroscopy and Auger-Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy (K. Mase, E. Kobayashi, and K. Isari).
- 16.1 Introduction.
- 16.2 EICO Analyzer Using a Coaxially Symmetric Electron Energy Analyzer and a Miniature Time-of-Flight Ion Mass Spectrometer (TOF-MS).
- 16.2.1 Coaxially Symmetric Electron Energy Analyzer 「46」.
- 16.2.2 Miniature Time-of-Flight Ion Mass Spectrometer (TOF-MS) 「47」.
- 16.2.3 EICO Apparatus Using a Coaxially Symmetric Mirror Analyzer and a Miniature TOF-MS 「14」.
- 16.3 EICO Analyzer Using a Coaxially Symmetric Mirror Analyzer and a Miniature Polar-Angle-Resolved TOF-MS 「47」.
- 16.3.1 Miniature Polar-Angle-Resolved TOF-MS with Three Concentric Anodes 「47」.
- 16.3.2 Electron-Polar-Angle-Resolved-Ion Coincidence Apparatus 「47」.
- 16.4 APECS Apparatus Using a Coaxially Symmetric Mirror Analyzer and a Miniature CMA.
- 16.4.1 Introduction.
- 16.4.2 Miniature CMA「56」.
- 16.4.3 New APECS Apparatus「56」.
- 16.4.4 Application to Auger-Photoelectron Coincidence Spectroscopy 「56」.
- 16.5 Conclusions.
- References.
- Appendix.
- Color Figures.
- Index.